Other funds we offer
Plan for the unknown. You never know what is coming ahead. Therefore, invest in our other offerings that may help you to be comfortable during unknown situations and feel a little more secure.
Save your rupee fund
Come on to your front foot to capitalize on every bit of money by getting them fixed on the middle of the bat and hitting it to clear the boundary to be safe(with good interest rate). Evaluate the scenario to get maximum benefit out of the regular good length deliveries.
Appraisal fund
World cups are not played every year, but you can play IPL every year. Similarly, your appraisals do not happen frequently. You need to get together with your management and showcase your outstanding performance in the team, value of contribution and potential to get that salary hike you deserve. Choosing this fund helps you get a hike in your salary irrespective of appraisal cycle. You do not have to wait for a hike to be announced and neither invest any large sums.
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